What is UTC?

Ultrasound Tissue Characterization (UTC) is a technology that uses a combination of both hardware and software to assess the fiber composition of your horse’s tendons and ligaments particularly in the distal limb.

A key part of this system is the UTC-Tracker, a precise tool that moves the ultrasound probe automatically along the length of a tendon, capturing images every 0.2 mm over a 12 cm area. These images are saved and processed in the operating system creating a 3D view of the tissue in the tendon or ligament.
With this 3D fibers model, vets can see the tendon (or other tissues) from different angles including transverse, sagittal, and coronal views, and a 3D rendered view. The user can also scroll through the entire model (like an X-ray). This helps to get a detailed look at the connective tissue the tendon sheath surrounding the tendon, and the inside of the tendon or ligament itself. This detailed view allows for accurate assessments of any damage or disintegration in the tendon, helping vets perform targeted and minimally invasive treatments.

The UTC system uses special algorithms to analyse the images, which have been carefully tested against real tissue samples. In tendons, UTC can identify four different types of tissue structures to assess the health and integrity of the tendon. This analysis is shown in three views and quantified, providing detailed information on the condition of the tendon. These four tissue types are represented in the model as four different colours.

UTC is extremely sensitive, meaning it can detect even the smallest changes in the tendon or ligament structure, whether they are due to normal wear and tear or an injury. This sensitivity makes UTC an excellent tool for regular check-ups of high-performance horses, as a tool in injury prevention or as an incomparable diagnostic service throughout rehabilitation.

Step By Step

1. Ultrasound: A transducer emits high-frequency ultrasound waves into the horse's tissue. These waves travel through the body and interact with various tissue structures.

2. Motorized tracker: The tracker moves the transducer at a precise rate over the area being examined. As the tracker moves the UTC takes approximately 600 ultrasound images, which are then used to make a 3D model of the area.

3. Image Construction: The sonographic images are analyzed and used to construct a detailed, high-resolution 3D model of the tissue. Unlike standard ultrasound, UTC files can capture the dynamic behavior of the tissues. The resulting UTC file allows the veterinarian to move throughout the 3D model of the tendon or ligament, examining each part in detail.

4. Tissue Characterization: The UTC system categorizes the tissue within the model into four different echo types, each representing different tissue structures:
- Type I: Intact, organized collagen bundles
- Type II: Wavy collagen fibers
- Type III: Disorganized collagen matrix
- Type IV: Fluid-filled spaces

Scar tissue or minor tissue damage in the tendon can simply look the same as healthy tendon tissue on a normal ultrasound and this is often the reason for (repeat) break-down, UTC will spot the differences in said tissue and help prevent more tendon damage or let us know when we should increase or decrease our workload.

Example The below example shows how difficult it is to assess scarred tissue in the tendon using ultrasound only. It is only after using UTC technology, the large scared (type II, Blue fibres) are clearly visible. This horse was planned to go back into training. The fact that there is already “tearing” at the scar (red fibres dotted around the scar) indicates this horse is clearly not ready for training.

UTC as part of Equine Tendon

As you will appreciate, tendons and ligaments are critical components for movement and performance in competition horses. They endure tremendous stress and are prone to injuries that can significantly impact a sports career. UTC is used to support equine athlete through their season as a monitoring tool, as well a diagnostic tool for injury:

- Performance Optimization: By routinely monitoring the condition of an equine athlete's tendons and ligaments, UTC can help detect early signs of strain or overuse. This proactive approach aids in preventing injuries and ensuring peak performance.

- Customized Training or Rehab Programs: Data from UTC scans can be used to tailor training programs specifically to each horse's physical condition, ensuring that the training intensity aligns with their tissue health and capabilities.

- Injury Diagnosis: UTC helps identify tendon and ligament injuries earlier, even before clinical signs appear. This allows for timely intervention, reducing the risk of more severe damage.

- Rehabilitation Monitoring: For horses recovering from injuries, UTC provides ongoing assessments of tissue healing and repair. This data helps veterinarians and trainers make informed decisions about rehabilitation protocols and the appropriate timing for returning to work. By being able to assess the fiber types within the tendon or ligament UTC allows us to truly customize the required exercise to achieve optimal rehabilitation.

Benefits of UTC in Equine Management

The use of UTC in equine sports offers numerous benefits that enhance both the welfare and performance of horses:

- Precision and Accuracy: UTC provides highly accurate and quantitative data, leading to more reliable diagnoses and treatment plans.

- Non-Invasive Technique: As a non-invasive imaging method, UTC poses no risk to the horse and can be performed repeatedly for ongoing monitoring.

- Enhanced Recovery Strategies: With detailed insights into tissue health, recovery strategies can be optimized, potentially reducing downtime and improving outcomes for injured horses.

Early Detection: The ability to detect tissue changes before clinical symptoms appear enables preventive care that can prolong the athletic careers of horses.

UTC ultrasound tissue characterization represents a significant advancement in equine sports management. Its ability to offer a detailed, quantifiable assessment of tissue health is invaluable for diagnosing injuries, monitoring rehabilitation, and optimizing the performance and longevity of equine athletes. By integrating UTC into regular veterinary care, trainers and veterinarians can ensure that horses remain healthy, competitive, and at their best.
Equine Tendon has a global network of UTC technicians and veterinarians who offer services in scanning and making use of the technology, please get in touch through sales@equinetendon.com to learn more or visit https://www.utcimaging.com/.


At Equine Tendon, we are dedicated to being your premier partner in equine soft tissue management and rehabilitation. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive care package that brings the latest advancements in equestrian rehabilitation and injury prevention. With a foundation built on a vast international network, extensive industry experience, and a passion for excellence, we aim to deliver superior results.
With decades of experience, Equine Tendon stands as the leading authority in specialist care for equine athletes suffering from tendon or ligament injuries in the lower limb. We are also at the forefront of injury prevention. Our custom diagnostic services and protocols are designed to bring comfort and improve rehabilitation standards for our patients.
Our Mission
Our mission is to revolutionize equine performance management by implementing reliable and precise protocols for soft tissue management. This includes:
Optimizing exercise and training levels during rehabilitation
Determining ideal training regimens for young horses
Monitoring tendon health
Managing exercise and nutrition levels
Assessing equine soundness
Enabling remote monitoring of rehabilitation, training, and performance
Our Network
Our global veterinary team, with years of experience in soft tissue injuries, drives our services and products. Each case is analyzed by a member of the Equine Tendon veterinary team to provide clients with custom rehab or monitoring schedules. We value communication and education, working closely with your vet or animal care team to achieve the best possible outcomes. Our global network ensures that patients receive the same level of care, no matter where they are in the world.
The Total Care Package
Equine Tendon offers a “Total Care Package” utilizing industry-leading diagnostic and rehabilitation tools. Our services have significantly reduced and prevented equine ligament and tendon injuries, leading to fewer rest days for our patients. Our services include:
Ultrasound Tissue Characterisation (UTC)
TendonPro Dynamic Support System
MotionPro – AI Gait Video Analysis
Infrared Imaging